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Self-Discovery, Acceptance, Authenticity, Integrity


Important Notice

Zoom Support Meeting May 1 @7:30pm ...more

GAMMA President Peter Kirkwood

President's Welcome Message

Thanks for joining us on the website of the Gay And Married Men’s Association – GAMMA. The purpose of GAMMA is to provide safe and confidential opportunities for men to discuss and consider issues relating to their sexuality, same-sex attraction and relationships in their lives.

We are a peer support group – not a professional counselling service – run by volunteers, ordinary men who have been through their own struggles and journey. 

We meet online by Zoom at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday every month to listen to each other, provide support, and share insights and experience. We also provide a phone helpline, an online community that can be accessed through this website and social gatherings held in Sydney every few months.

Many men take part in their first meeting feeling vulnerable, uncertain, perhaps confused, and concerned about what lies ahead. Some face problems demanding immediate attention whilst others are still coming to grips with their own internal feelings. Whatever the case we are here to offer support and help.

It can be a big step to make a call, read this website, or participate in a meeting but be assured, your privacy and safety are of paramount importance to us. We encourage you to reach out and take part in the GAMMA community.